E-villa's is constructing residential homes with a focus on energy efficiency and with eye for detail and luxury finishing.

Beke Invest is a real estate company with a commercial building as well as a land bank that will be developed in the coming years.

BGR is a residential home building ground company and owns over 2000 lots across Belgium in different phases of development. BGR started activities in 2003; its highly experienced management team is in the real estate business for over 20 years.

The history of the castle starts in 1906, when the noble family Oldeneel to Oldenzeel - de Wouters de Boechout inherited a large property with an old country estate. The family decided to tear down the house and build a castle in its place. The castle was designed by architect Gustave Van den Bemden, in a Neo-French-Renaissance style. The family moved into the castle in 1912. It remained the property of the family until recently. Over the years, the family made few changes to the castle and both the interior and exterior have remained in their original state. However, the castle has been slowly deteriorating in recent years, making a thorough renovation an urgent necessity.
In 2006, Jos Sluys acquired the castle and surrounding land through a public auction with a view of completely renovating the property and restoring its original splendor.
The castle currently already hosts the offices of Saffelberg Investments and will be the ideal location to host business seminars and meetings.

Pylos Group is a privately owned international real estate development firm that was constituted during the financial crisis of 2001, resulting in a lean and professional organization that is accustomed to working in challenging times. Pylos develops, renovates and builds commercial real estate (office, mixed-use, logistics, industrial and retail properties) in Belgium, Luxemburg, France and Brazil. Saffelberg Investments has invested more than 15 million EUR in a joint office development project in Luxembourg capital and in several Brazilian real estate projects.

Revive is a frontrunner and market leader in complex urban regeneration projects. They turn brownfields into future proof, carbon free and connected development schemes. They tackle societal challenges and bring solid solutions. Turning blight into bright, our urban regeneration projects render added value for the communities we invest in, lower the ecological footprint of our cities and its users.
They make places to live, work and love, and are passionate of being the change our society needs. We build society.

Leoville is een investeerder in hoofdzakelijk retail 2.0 binnenstedelijk vastgoed. Door een strategie van actief beheer in hoofdzakelijk niche retailpanden op toplocaties heeft het fonds een sterke groei gekend de afgelopen jaren naar een kleine 150 miljoen euro assets under management met aantrekkelijke rendementen. Het fonds was één van de eerste vennootschappen die in België het statuut hebben verkregen van ‘gespecialiseerd vastgoed beleggingsfonds

Multi Family development project in Las Vegas in collaboration with Calida Group.

The Possos De Caldas project is a long term residential real estate development project related to a land parcel of approximately 360 Ha in Possos De Caldas, Brazil (previously owned by Alcoa Aluminio S/A)